Trust Fintech’s AI Models and AI Solutions helps Banks to improve efficiency, ensure security, and better customer experiences. The AI Solutions can automate tasks of data capture, data analysis, fraud detection, in less time and resources THUS reducing operational costs.

AI-driven chatbots can provide 24/7 Product Sales, Customer Onboarding and Customer Support. The ML (Machine Learning) algorithms analyzes customer information to personalize customer services, and possibly detect unusual transactions based on customer behavior patterns, thus improving security. The RPA (Robotic Process Automation) solutions perform routine human digital tasks, to eliminate time-intensive and error-prone work in Data Capture, Back-ups, Reports Generations, Auto mailing to customers etc.

Artificial Intelligence Solutions is bringing a big transformation force in the banking industry. With Futuristic collaboration of AI and Block chain technology, AI has potential to reshape the way BFSI organizations operatives. So, Customers might be getting Credit Facility Alerts, Remote Transactions Location Alert, Different System Login Alert, Investment Advice, Tax Saving Advises; it could be AI Solutions working behind the scenes to make customer’s banking experience smoother and more secure.

Digital Channels Interface:

The AI Solutions does surpass human abilities, and proven to be accurate and fast in below areas:

Fraud Detection

AI-powered fraud detection models analyze the historical data and can proactively alert Bank on potential fraud attempts and fraudulent transactions. Similarly, AI-powered Identity verification solutions can analyze the KYC records, verify identity, and address the rising threat of identity fraud.

Fraud Detection


The AI-based chatbots offered by TFL facilitates conversation with customer and acts as a virtual assistant to provide real-time support to bank customers. Customers can interact with these bots giving quick response, assistance based on large knowledge base, and personal touches.


Loan and Credit Decisions

The Lending AI solutions evaluate large volume of data to analyze the borrowing patterns. The Gen-AI evaluates creditworthiness, accuracy in credit scoring and make real-time lending decisions. The efficiency results into Lower TAT, Lower Processing Cost per Loan Application.

Loan and Credit Decisions

Data Collection and Analysis

The ML, gen-AI algorithms makes a quick and accurate decisions analyzing Transactional History, Income, Assets, Work Experience, Behavior to generate scorecard. It can boost credit access to previously unattended people while reducing risk of NPA for the banks.

Data Collection and Analysis

Robotic Process Automation

RPA uses advanced business process automation tools to automate many repetitive tasks, while exponentially increasing efficiency. RPA is effectively implemented in routine Data Capture, processing, and submission processes viz.: Customer Onboarding, Regulatory Compliance, Cards Processing, KYC, AR / AP, Account Closures, Fraud Detection etc.

Robotic Process Automation

Customer Experience

AI Solutions in Banking increasing accuracy to 99%, reduces human errors, brings down the processing time to Days, from Weeks or Months. The AI based customer interactions, coupled with the online Self-service channels, facilitates customers to schedule interactions at their choice of time, resulting into higher customer satisfaction and loyalty for Banks.

Customer Experience